Our bodies are born with rhythm; our heartbeat, our brain waves, our cyles of sleep, growth and feeling. We are an exquisite part of the natural world and respond to our environments through our inner experience.
Often our lives run in habitual auto pilot without deeply listening to the voices within. And when those voices are ignored or not heard, emotion, thought and illness can be suppressed. We 'suddenly' become ill, stressed or breakdown.
Through Ecstatic Dance we are given the opportunity to listen to our body, to move in new ways, to dance as we want when we want. We develop an awareness of our patterns and habits. We can express without words and honour our experiences.
Through drums, rhythms, melodies and vibration we can release and heal habits or heaviness we may be carrying. We can be reborn through the movement journey. Reborn into stillness, peace, understanding and compassion.
Ecstatic Dance is based on an ancient healing modality for individuals and communities. To witness, celebrate, grieve and transform as a group. Cathartic, sweaty, fun and divine.
Journey to Ecstatic Dance
Anna-Lisa burst into the Ecstatic Dance scene of Spring 2020, having just learnt to DJ in the previous months of lock down, she came with a passion and purpose to bring dance, joy and connection back to the local community.
Instantly well received and highly regarded she continued to bring uplifting, melodic and sensual yet powerful beats to Brighton's parks, beaches and dance studios. She was quickly selected to play ongoing private womens dances for Supercharged Club and resident at Samsara Retreat in Kent.
Anna-Lisa is passionate about building community and collaborating with other practioners and DJs. These include Lucy Wylde (Musician & Vocal Coach), Natasha Gilbert (Body Confidence Coach), Joie de Winter (Harpist), PixiPete(ED DJ), Grace Ariel (Flower Medicine), Brailla Way (Choir Leader), Maria Tijader (Sound Healing and Constellation) & Shanti Penelope (Sexological Bodyworker). These have allowed for a huge variety of transformational somatic journeys including rituals, workshops and healing. Through her dances and circles numerous new connections have been made both socially and professionally, bringing new life to Brightons growing community.
Anna-Lisa's enthusiasm for dance was noted at school where she won the trophy for 'Most Enthusiastic Dancer', and continued through chuldhood and adulthood as she enjoyed numerous amateur classes includng swing, samba, salsa, gumboot, bellydance and english country dancing, as well as perfoming in carnivals, clubs and stage shows. Later she discovered 5 rhythms, contact improvisation and ecstatic dance which became a powerful part of her healing journey. "Through the medicine of conscious dance I discovered a part of myself that had been disconnected from my every day life. I found, grew and integrated my grace, vitality, beauty and strength. I found an independence I didn't know i had. I found a place I could connect with buried emotion - I could cry, grieve, rage and storm, and by the end of the dance find a way back to being centred and calm. I discovered how much I love to sweat, how to connect with or understand others through movement and space, and how the healing journey can be fun and supported in community."
"My passion for music is inspired by my upbringing and family. My dad played in a folk band, and growing up in Nigeria and spending time in East Africa with him i was exposed to music as a social and connective force. I always loved making mixtapes for my friends, and after realising my long standing magnetism to DJs I decided to explore that world for myself, and it has transformed my life!"
With a background in Art Psychotherapy and Taoist Wellbeing Practices she brings a wealth of experience in holding space, working with movement to transform energy and alternative healing modalities. She has run workshops for children, schools and parents in groups of up to 80 and pioneered research projects for primary school wellbeing programmes. She is also an epic mum!
Anna-Lisa's creativity and kindness as well as talent in creating joyful and playful, yet safe and deep spaces mean she is now being booked up for festivals and multiple retreats as well as running her own dances local to Brighton. "I'm thrilled to be creating so many transformational spaces for dance healing. I believe we are creating a brighter future on Earth, sending prayers through our feet and hearts to ourselves, our humanity and beyond."